Cancellation Policy

We understand that sometimes plans change, and you may need to cancel your order. Please review our cancellation policy below for guidance on this process.

Order Cancellation:

  1. Cancellation Window:
    • You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. After this period, your order may have already been processed for shipping.
  2. How to Cancel:
    • To cancel your order, please contact our customer service team at Provide your order number and relevant details to assist us in processing your cancellation.
  3. Refund Process:
    • If your order is canceled within the specified time frame, a full refund will be issued to your original payment method. Please allow up to 15 working days for the refund to be processed.


  1. Processed Orders:
    • Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled. Please review your order carefully before confirming the purchase.
  2. Custom or Made-to-Order Items:
    • Customized or made-to-order items may have a different cancellation policy. Please check the product description or contact our customer service team for more information.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or need assistance with the cancellation process, please reach out to our customer service team at

Note: SASXTRA reserves the right to modify or update this cancellation policy at any time. Please refer to the latest version of the policy on our website for the most current information.

Thank you for your understanding.